Personal CO2 to you Personal CO2 to business
Versão em Português English Version Versión en Español

Climate Best Friends


Sign up 500 After registration confirmation
Emissions calculation 750 Minimum interval of 1 month for each calculation
For each referred friend who signs up 250 No limit to invite friends
For every friend you invite who calculate emissions 500 After completion of the calculations made by the referred friend
For every friend you invite who offset emissions 750 After emissions offset
Offset with Reforestation 1000 Per tonne of CO2 equivalent
Offset with Carbon Credits from Environmental Services 1150 Per tonne of CO2 equivalent
Offset with Carbon Credits from Biofuels Use 850 Per tonne of CO2 equivalent
Offset with Carbon Credits from Renewable Energy 1250 Per tonne of CO2 equivalent

Advantage Club Rules
  • 1% discount every 10.000 points accumulated, limited to a maximum discount of 10%, to offset with carbon credits or reforestation.
  • Available only after the first offset .
  • Minimum amount of 10,000 points to return for benefits.